UNITAR Online Catalogue

Kenya. Digitalization of investor single window.


Date limite
19 Mar 2024
Naivasha, Kenya
3 Days
Zone du programme
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
0.00 $US
Personne de référence de l'évenement
UNCTAD (750)

Arrière plan

Digital Government Academy. UNCTAD-UNITAR. Project "Kenya Investment Window."

Supporting KenInvest to develop an online investment single window with the eRegistrations system.

Objectifs de l'événement

Design and develop functional online prototypes for the following services:

  • Investor registration and investment certificate (joint service) - finalization
  • Work permits for investors and employees
  • Foreign tax payer registration

Objectifs d'apprentissage

eRegistrations system, to develop the online screens allowing applicants to submit their application and the concerned administrations to process applications

GDB (Generic Database Builder, to create the online registries)

Contenu et structure

Introduction: Basic components of a digital government service 

Understand the services that must be designed

Regulations and procedures 

Necessary information for each mandatory registration: name of the obligation, entity in charge, subjects, result, requirements (data, documents, fees) 

Initial registration, consultation, modification, deletion (CRUD)

Data that must be stored in the registry, required information and statistics

One (integrated) or two services?  


Design the services

Create the registries

Create the applicant file (guide, form, payment, send page)

Create electronic certificates

Take into account all specific cases: filters/conditions/determinants

Create the processing/back office screens and processes (review of applicant file, physical inspection, approval, etc.) 

Create web services to send the applicant data to the registries and to exchange/control data with external registries

Test and improve the services


Audience visée

Public servants