UNITAR Online Catalogue

CIFAL York - Driving Sustainable Prosperity: Unleashing the Power of UN SDGs for Economic Developers


Date limite
16 Avr 2024
3 Days
Zone du programme
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
553.00 $US
Personne de référence de l'évenement

Arrière plan

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a comprehensive framework for addressing global challenges and achieving sustainable development. This course is designed to provide economic developers with a deep understanding of the SDGs and their direct relevance to their work. Participants will explore how the SDGs can be integrated into their day-to-day activities, enabling them to contribute effectively to sustainable development initiatives and create positive economic, social, and environmental impacts in their communities.
This event is recognized by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) as a professional development event that counts toward the recertification of Certified Economic Developers (CEcD) as a Level III Activity.

Objectifs de l'événement

• Understand the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and their significance in the context of economic development.
• Identify the specific SDGs that directly impact the work of economic developers.
• Explore strategies for integrating the SDGs into economic development practices and initiatives.
• Develop skills and knowledge to effectively measure and track progress towards the SDGs.
• Identify opportunities for collaboration and partnerships to advance sustainable development goals in economic development projects.
• Analyze case studies and best practices from around the world to learn from successful implementation of the SDGs in economic development.

Objectifs d'apprentissage

• Understand the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and their significance in the context of economic development.
• Identify the specific SDGs that directly impact the work of economic developers.
• Explore strategies for integrating the SDGs into economic development practices and initiatives.
• Develop skills and knowledge to effectively measure and track progress towards the SDGs.
• Identify opportunities for collaboration and partnerships to advance sustainable development goals in economic development projects.
• Analyze case studies and best practices from around the world to learn from successful implementation of the SDGs in economic development.

Contenu et structure

Day 1:

Harnessing the Potential of UN SDGs for Economic Developers: Introduction to SDGs

SDGs of Focus and Objectives:

• SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

o Understanding the importance of decent work in economic development.
o Promoting inclusive economic growth and productive employment opportunities.
o Analyzing successful models of sustainable job creation and entrepreneurship.

• SGD 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

o Importance of sustainable industrialization and economic growth.
o Understanding the role of innovation in driving economic development.
o Infrastructure development for inclusive and sustainable industrialization.
o Promoting sustainable and resilient industrial practices.
o Case studies on successful implementation of sustainable industry and innovative strategies.

• SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

o Introduction to the concept of responsible consumption and production.
o Sustainable supply chains and value creation.
o Circular economy principles and their application in economic development.
o Showcasing best practices in responsible consumption and production.
o Supplier engagement and collaboration for sustainable practices.
o Enhancing transparency and traceability in supply chains.
o Showcasing successful examples of sustainable supply chain management.

Sustainable Horizons: Pioneering Resilient Communities through Climate Action and Clean Energy

SDGs of Focus and Objectives:

• SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities

o Exploring the economic dimensions of sustainable urban development.
o Integrating sustainability principles into urban economic planning.
o Examining successful examples of sustainable city initiatives and their economic benefits.

• SDG 13 - Climate Action

o Understanding the economic risks and opportunities of climate change.
o Promoting sustainable and climate-resilient economic development strategies.
o Analyzing successful examples of climate action with economic development projects.

• SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy

o Exploring the relationship between energy access, renewable energy, and economic development.
o Integrating clean energy solutions into economic development planning.
o Analyzing successful examples of renewable energy initiatives supporting economic growth.

Day 2:
Sustainable Development Goals and Great Lakes: Enhancing Economic Development through Water Management

SDGs of Focus and Objectives:

• SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

o Importance of access to clean water and sanitation.
o Challenges and opportunities for water management in the Great Lakes region.
o Challenges and opportunities for tourism and investment in the Great Lakes region.
o Collaborative approaches to water governance and stakeholder engagement.

SDG 14 - Life Below Water

o Balancing economic development with the conservation of aquatic resources.
o Exploring sustainable practices and marine resource management.
o Strategies for mitigating pollution and preserving water quality.

SDG 15 - Life on Land

o Exploring the interlinkages between land and water ecosystems in the Great Lakes region.
o Promoting sustainable land use practices for economic development.
o Addressing deforestation, land degradation, and desertification.

Empowering Pathways: Bridging Divides through Quality Education and Decent Work

SDGs of Focus and Objectives:

• SDG 4 - Quality Education

o Exploring the role of education in economic development.
o Promoting inclusive and equitable education for sustainable economic growth.
o Analyzing examples of education-driven economic development initiatives.

• SDG 5 - Gender Equality

o Understanding the economic benefits of gender equality.
o Promoting women's empowerment I equal opportunities in economic development.
o Examining successful initiatives for promoting gender equality within economic development projects

• SDG 10 - Reducing Inequalities

oThe role of economic development in reducing inequalities.
o Inclusive economic growth models.
o Building human capital and reducing skills gaps.
o Promoting entrepreneurship and small business development.
o Identifying opportunities for inclusive economic development.
o Incorporating marginalized groups into value chains.

Day 3:
Building Strong Foundations: A Triumphant Journey towards Prosperity, Food Security, and Well-Being

SDGs of Focus and Objectives:

• SDG 1 - No Poverty

o Understanding the link between poverty and economic development.
o Strategies for poverty eradication through inclusive economic growth.
o Examining case studies of successful poverty reduction programs.

• SDG 2 - Zero Hunger

o Exploring the relationship between food security, agriculture, and economic development.
o Promoting sustainable agricultural practices for enhanced food production.
o Analyzing examples of successful initiatives addressing hunger and poverty through economic development.

• SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-Being

o Understanding the economic impact of health and well-being.
o Integrating health services and infrastructure into economic development planning.
o Examining successful healthcare and well-being programs within economic development contexts.
Harmony Unleashed: Forging Strong Institutions and Partnerships for Peace and Sustainable Development

SDGs of Focus and Objectives:

• SDG 16 - Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

o Exploring the relationship between peace, stability, and economic development.
o Promoting effective governance and institutions for sustainable development growth.
o Examining successful initiatives linking peacebuilding and economic development.

• SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals

o Understanding the importance of partnerships in achieving the SDGs.
o Identifying collaboration opportunities for economic development practitioners.
o Analyzing successful partnerships and their impact on sustainable economic development.

Audience visée

• Business retention professionals
• Private business and government clients
• Economic developers
• Sustainable development professionals
• Business expansion professionals
• Entrepreneurs
• Investors

Informations supplémentaires

Online registration at http://www.yorku.ca/cifal/sdg-ed

Fee-based $750 for full course, $600 Early bird (until March 6th), $100 student (with proof of enrolment)