UNITAR Online Catalogue
United Nations Immersion Programme - July Edition - Basic Package

Diplomacia Multilateral
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) was established in 1963 as an autonomous body within the United Nations with the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the work of the UN and its member states.
UNITAR designs and conducts close to 500 different training and knowledge sharing events per year for some 50,000 beneficiaries worldwide. Participants include diplomats, other government officials, non-governmental representatives, and other stakeholders.
At the heart of UNITAR, the Multilateral Diplomacy Programme Unit (MDPU) delivers training workshops to address the needs of these international actors. MDPU’s activities cover a wide range of domains, including training on the UN system and skills development.
Objetivos del evento
As part of the training activities implemented during the summer months, UNITAR designed a 5-day field visit to Geneva, offering participants a full immersion into the United Nations' multilateral working environment.
In line with UNITAR’s mandate, its main purpose is to enhance participants’ knowledge and skills in the area of international affairs and diplomacy. This will empower them to work more effectively and efficiently in any multilateral setting.
UNITAR further intends to strengthen the participants’ conviction of the principles enshrined in the UN Charter, especially multilateralism. It lastly aspires to give its participants the opportunity to gain valuable insights into possible future career steps.
Contenido y estructura
Hosting 35 international organizations and more than 250 NGOs, the city of Geneva offers itself for a whole series of potentially formative experiences. UNITAR hosts the activity in the historic Palace of Nations and provides a nuanced balance between the following different components:
Expert Lectures:
UNITAR’s professional network across Geneva allows it to organize a series of 1-2-hour expert lectures, in which participants can directly learn from UN personal or other high-level officials. Previous immersion programmes have included lectures from the following organizations:
- United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG)
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
- The Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN in Geneva
Training Workshops:
As its core activity and raison d’être, UNITAR provides several face-to-face workshops to the participants. Delivered by experts such as retired ambassadors, previous programmes have included the following workshops:
- Negotiation Skills
- Public Speaking Skills
- Workshop on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Multilateral Conferences:
With its more than 10.000 conferences a year, the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) counts as one of the most active international conference centres in the world. UNITAR offers participants to attend such meetings and thereby experience multilateral negotiations first-hand:
- Human Rights Council
- United Nations Committee against Torture (UNCAT)
- United Nations Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
Guided Tours:
Geneva is rich in historic buildings important to international affairs. Thanks to its access across the city, UNITAR can provide a series of private guided tours. Previous programmes have included tours through the following facilities:
- The United Nations’ Palace of Nations (3-hours extensive private guided tour)
- The headquarters of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
- The headquarters of the World Trade Organization (WTO)
Career Development Sessions:
UNITAR also provides several 1-2 hour sessions on how to advance your professional career and find a solid footing in the world of international organizations. These sessions can include the following components:
- Information session on internships and other entry positions in the UN system
- Training workshop on application to a UN job opening and interview skills in the UN context
- Review of application material, including CV, motivation letter, personal history form, Inspira profile, LinkedIn profile
Given the complexity of Geneva's multilateral environment, UNITAR will cover a series of different thematic areas during the course of the Programme. These will include the peace and security, human rights and humanitarian affairs, global health and well-being, trade and technology as well as environment and sustainable development.
The Immersion Programme is designed to be highly interactive and participatory. Activities will include a high level of direct exposure to policy practitioners and diplomatic settings, thereby allowing participants to gain a thorough knowledge and understanding of the United Nations.
All of the activities will take place in the English language. Should there be any component such as a multilateral conference or an expert lecture not be available in English, UNITAR will ensure the participants will be provided with simultaneous interpretation.
Público objetivo
UNITAR welcomes a variety of professional backgrounds as well as different degrees of experience among its participants. The Immersion Programme is therefore open to all actors related to international affairs wishing to build up knowledge and skills related to the United Nations or International Geneva.
Participants can include public sector officials, private sector professionals and representatives from NGOs, think tanks or academia. Junior professionals and graduate students are equally welcome to apply.
In order to ensure the highest quality standards, registration will be closed after 30 participants. Allocation of slots will be on a first-come, first-served basis. At the end of the Immersion Programme, each participant will be awarded a UNITAR certificate of completion.
Información adicional
-------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON COVID-19 ------------------------------------------------------
In light of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, UNITAR will assure the programme will be entirely conform to up-to-date health safety standards, including social distancing, hygiene measures and contact tracing. Kindly note that according to Swiss Authorities, travel restrictions for the entire Schengen Area will likely be lifted from 6 July 2020. For more information on travel to and from Switzerland, kindly read the most recent travel guidelines from Swiss Authorities.
Participants are responsible for complying with Swiss immigration and travel policies to enter the country. In addition, participants must have a health insurance plan that is valid in Switzerland and comply with Swiss health rules and recommendations during their stay in the country. Participants will also be responsible for their visa, accommodation, transportation and meals. UNITAR will only be responsible for the design and implementation of the activity.
In case that due to any COVID-19-related travel restrictions, participants registered for the field visit to Geneva are unable to travel to Switzerland this summer, it is possible for them to attend the United Nations Online Immersion Programme free of charge. In addition, their slot for the field visit to Geneva will be automatically transferred to the next edition in winter 2021, with no additional costs charged. For more information, kindly contact the UNITAR event focal point.
UNITAR will be responsible for the overall design, coordination and implementation of the Immersion Programme. It will liaise with participants on a regular basis prior to the activity's implementation in order to ensure a smooth and flawless organization for everyone involved.
The participants are responsible to purchase their own travel tickets to and from Geneva as well as to apply for visa to Switzerland. UNITAR gladly supports this process with the help of an official visa invitation letter. Participants further need to take care of their own accommodation and daily meals.
UNITAR will sponsor a welcome dinner to the participants, welcome package including relevant training materials, entry tickets to sights and museums as well as the transportation cost during the activity. Please note that as of now, no scholarships are available to facilitate participation.