UNITAR Online Catalogue
Introduction to data governance for monitoring the SDGs

Apoyo a la Agenda 2030
This e-learning course is developed by the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the UN Statistics Division (UNSD) drawing primarily on the outcomes of the consultations designed to inform the forthcoming edition of the Handbook of Statistical Organization. The course has benefitted from the expert contributions and review by Mr. Gabriel Gamez, Inter-Regional Advisor from UN Statistics Division. It is hoped that a more advanced course will be developed in the future, more specifically, for the management of National Statistical Offices based on the finalized latest edition of the Handbook[1].
This course is self-paced, you can register anytime and complete the course before the deadline 31 December 2019.
[1] This will be an extended version with a more technical focus. This advanced course will aim to attain the same primary objective as the Handbook “guide chief statisticians and senior managers of statistical organizations in developing and maintaining statistical capacity that is fit for purpose”.
Objetivos del evento
This is an introductory level course aimed at the broad audience, including decision-makers and data producers from within and outside the National Statistical Offices.
Objetivos del aprendizaje
Following the completion of the course, participants will be able to
- Identify official statistics from other data produced and describe UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics and their implementation through legislative frameworks;
- Describe various quality dimensions of official statistics from a user perspective as well as organizational set-ups and coordination within and outside of National Statistical Systems;
- Distinguish data types and sources and apply internationally practiced models related to data production and statistical organization.
Contenido y estructura
The overall objective of the introductory course is to raise awareness among the decision-makers about the value of official statistics by increasing knowledge about the fundamentals of official statistics, institutional set-up, coordination and communication around data ecosystems. It consists of 3 modules:
- Understanding UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics;
- Effective data governance systems for monitoring SDGs;
- Managing data-related partnerships, capabilities, resources and processes in the context of SDGs.
This is a non-facilitated online course organized in 3 modules. Each module includes:
- an interactive lesson,
- a manual in a pdf format,
- a glossary and abbreviations,
- built-in formative assessments,
- a summative assessment (multiple-choice test) at the end of the Module.
Público objetivo
This course has been designed, specifically, with a view to addressing the knowledge needs of the public and raise awareness regarding the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Información adicional
After signing-up on this page, please check your mailbox to proceed with couse registration.